What is QuickLogic Corporation's stock symbol?

Our stock is traded on the NASDAQ under the symbol QUIK.

When was QuickLogic Corporation incorporated?

QuickLogic Corporation was founded in 1988 and reincorporated in Delaware in 1999.

When did QuickLogic Corporation become a public company?

QuickLogic's initial Public Offering was in October 1999. QuickLogic had a Secondary Offering in April 2000.

Where is QuickLogic Corporation located?

2220 Lundy Avenue
San Jose, CA 95131

When is QuickLogic Corporation's fiscal year end?

December 31st

Who is QuickLogic Corporation's transfer agent?

American Stock Transfer & Trust Company
6201 15th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11219
T: (718) 921.8200 ext. 4801